Thursday, November 19, 2009

Twleve Months

Twleve Months, Enamel paint on fiberglass, 30 to 45 cms high, 2009

Twelve Months is about the sudden rush of disorientation I felt after moving from one city to another. I tried to represent hectic life in claustrophobic city that never sleeps with the outburst of my different emotions in coping up with life. Each emotion reflects events that have happened over the period of time, that has left strong impressions on me.  


nikheel said...

Finally you are here. Now visual treat of visual diary!
Keep blogging, best wishes.

Deepak Singh Dogra said...

Love the sculptures. Had seen the 'Avneet Aunty's Mobile Phone' sometime back and really liked it. Like the rest of the stuff as well.

Kavita Singh Kale said...

Thank you!