Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A very sweet letter of appreciation from a mother

Dear Ms.kavita singh kale,

Recently I bought your book 'My Facebook Friends' for my daughter kavya who is 6 1/2 years old from comet media, mumbai.

I just wanted you to know that she immensely loved your book and reads it every night.

She loved your idea of having so many friends from different parts of the world.she also liked the way you have presented each friend ,their life ,and your interaction with them.

She loved nearly all the stories but most of all she liked Radhas story .ngendos ,tenzin the young monk.

She also wanted to know if you were going to write another book on more of your facebook friends.

Please do so and we will surely buy the book.

Thanking you,
Ms.Poyani Mehta

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